MORRISTOWN Evangelization takes on many forms — even a box of crayons can help spread the faith to children. In a new coloring book created by Francine Calabrese, many of the pages require the color brown because it is based on the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Calabrese, a religious education teacher at St. Joseph Parish in Newton and parishioner of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Branchville, wrote, “The Little Brown Scapular Coloring Book” with illustrations by art teacher, Suzanne Revegno-Apicella. The book’s purpose is to spread the devotion to children on the sacramental first given to Carmelite priest St. Simon Stock in the mid-13th century.
The idea for a coloring book based on the Brown Scapular was a call she answered as a member of the Order of the Discalced Secular Community, Sacred Heart of Jesus also known as Lay Carmelites. Mother Theresa Katulski, prioress of the Monastery of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary here, a cloistered contemplative religious community, asked its Third Order Carmelite members to embrace an apostolate to help renew devotion to the Brown Scapular within the Paterson Diocese.
Francine Calabrese
Calabrese immediately wanted to be a part of this, especially since she has a great love for the Blessed Mother and the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. In fact, she considers this beautiful gift responsible for calling her to be a Lay Carmelite.
She decided to focus on children and plant the seed about the devotional. “There’s a great need in our society for our children to be brought closer to Jesus and the Blessed Mother. If you plant the seed in children, you will see it grow,” said Calabrese. “I thought about how I could reach children and I was inspired to write a children’s book.”
“The Little Brown Scapular Coloring Book” is meant to educate children in grades one through four and enroll children into the Scapular Confraternity at their First Holy Communion. The book teaches children about the Brown Scapular and the benefits received by wearing it. In addition, children have fun coloring the rosary beads while learning the rosary prayer.
During Catholic Schools Week, she spoke to students at St. Therese School in Succasunna about her coloring book and encouraged the children to wear the Brown Scapular. Each of the children was enrolled in the Brown Scapular by Father Marc Mancini, pastor of St. Therese, at the presentation. She told them, “It’s not a lucky charm, but it’s worn to help us secure eternal life and receive graces from God especially when we go to church, follow the commandments and pray the rosary.”
She also told the children, “Praying the rosary and consecrating ourselves to the Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart helps us grow in virtue — patience and charity.”
St. Simon Stock received the Brown Scapular after the Blessed Mother appeared to him during the 13th century. She handed him a brown woolen scapular as a sign of her great love to all her children. Soon after, devotion to the scapular grew and the tradition continues today. According to Calabrese, many miracles are attached to the Brown Scapular because people had deep faith and love of God and the Blessed Mother.
To spread the devotion to children, Calabrese will speak to Catholic schools and religious education programs at any parish or school interested. Her book is meant to be an educational tool for parishes, catechists and families to help children in their spiritual growth. She is currently in the process of creating her 501(c)3 non-profit organization called The Little Brown Scapular Apostolate.
“The scapular is Our Lady’s protection,” Calabrese said. “She wants us to be clothed in her garment. She will come to our aid when we need it.”