Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney visited Holy Spirit Church and School on Feb. 3, where he celebrated Mass for Catholic Schools Week on the Feast of St. Blaise. He thanked the pastor, Father Stephen Prisk, and the school’s principal, Sister Marie Antonelli, and the entire parish and school community for their hospitality. The bishop also expressed congratulations to the eighth-grade class of 2023 and blessed and presented their graduation rings. During his homily, Bishop Sweeney reinforced the school-wide curriculum about the call to live virtuously. Each month at Holy Spirit School, the children study different virtues like kindness, hospitality, generosity, and gratitude. For the month of February, students are practicing the virtue of honesty. They are also learning about different saints who modeled the virtues, like St. Kateri Tekakwitha. Students are encouraged to live out the virtues in their everyday life.