OAK RIDGE The Department for Persons with Disabilities (DPD), a Catholic Charities agency of the Paterson Diocese, is beginning the New Year with eight big reasons to be thankful. Due to the generosity of the thousands of faithful Catholics in the Paterson Diocese, the agency recently received a check from Partners in Faith, the Diocesan capital and endowment campaign.
With the check, DPD purchased eight new Toyota Prius’ to transport residents living in its group homes. These vehicles are used mostly for clients’ medical visits but also to get them around community and take them to weekend Masses and other religious programs.
Tom Barrett, diocesan coordinator of special projects, said, “Partners in Faith came to the rescue. DPD desperately needed to replace 10-year-old vehicles used for transporting clients on medical visits. The cars that the agency has been using had high mileage and were frequently breaking down with repair bills mounting.”
Previously, DPD placed most of its new vehicle purchases into its contract from the State. However, the State is no longer funding vehicles and this funding must be paid through fund-raising, donations or grants. In prior years, DPD was able to secure funding from private or public grants, but this time, they could not find any funding sources for this need.
Bishop Serratelli said, “I am grateful to the parishioners of our Diocese who came together as people of faith to help their brothers and sisters. Our Department for Persons with Disabilities does a tremendous job in serving the needs of the most vulnerable among us. Knowing that Partners in Faith is there for them by strengthening and enhancing this ministry is something we can all be proud of. This is just one example of the great work being done through Partners in Faith. I thank all who worked as volunteers for the campaign, as well as those who are continuing to financially support it through the fulfillment of their pledges. Our Church is blessed by your generous spirit.”
Having reliable cars is a necessity for DPD. Last year, the agency transported its residents more than 52,000 miles for more than 2,200 community medical visits, which include annual check-ups, specialists, emergencies and dental visits.
“PIF has helped Catholic Charities assist people with disabilities live in the community through our group homes and have access to healthcare in a community setting rather than in an institutional setting,” said Scott Milliken, executive director of DPD.
DPD values its mission to allow its clients to live in group homes in the community which has proven to be beneficial for those with disabilities. DPD’s group homes provide a family atmosphere and loving environment for its clients.
The purchase of these new vehicles shows Partners in Faith at work. The capital and endowment campaign held its active fundraising phase from 2012 to 2013 with a campaign goal of $40 million. Through the hard work and efforts of pastors, priests and lay leaders, more than $61 million was pledged. The pledge fulfillment will continue through 2018.
Tim Potter, diocesan director of development, said, “The active phase of the Partners in Faith campaign was conducted in 2013. Many people made one-time gifts while others made pledges to give over time and continue to faithfully follow-through on their pledges. Even though Partners in Faith began several years ago — its positive impact on the lives of so many continues today. It is great to see how the developmentally disabled clients now have reliable vehicles to take them to their regular doctor visits. What many of us take for granted becomes a challenging task for those with special needs. Thanks to the generosity of so many parishioners throughout our Diocese, their burden has been made a little bit lighter.”
Through the campaign, the St. Luke’s Fund was established with $500,000, specifically raised to assist with providing care and transportation addressing the medical needs of people with developmental disabilities and other vulnerable populations.
In addition to DPD and diocesan Catholic Charities agencies — Catholic Family and Community Service and Straight and Narrow, the campaign extends its reach to the poor, each of the parishes in the Paterson Diocese, important Catholic values to school children in diocesan schools, assists priests in need of special health care and will restore the Mother Church of the Diocese — the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. PIF also supported the 2013 Bishop’s Annual Appeal, which assisted in the annual operating costs of diocesan Catholic Charities, Nazareth Village, the retired priests’ residence, seminarian education and elementary school education.
Msgr. James Mahoney, diocesan vicar general and pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Chatham Township, said, “This story highlights just how important Partners in Faith is to the life of people in the Paterson Diocese. Catholic Charities has been able to do more good for people, our cathedral restoration is nearing completion, new school initiatives are being planned, the healthcare needs of our priests are being addressed and our parishes are receiving financial support. So many things that were impossible to imagine just a few short years ago are becoming a reality thanks to all who participated in this campaign. I thank all those who contributed to Partners in Faith and those continuing to fulfill their pledge. The Church is alive and well because of their stewardship.”
“This is such an important donation to meet critical transportation needs. It’s one of those things that we might not think about all the time, but this population has many daily struggles to overcome,” said Barrett. “Medical care is so important for the wellbeing of the people that DPD cares for. The mechanics of getting to and from medical appointments and emergencies are critical pieces of the care puzzle. While transportation is just one aspect of meeting medical needs, it is vital. DPD makes sure that the people are always treated with dignity while they provide gentle care that often involves physically assisting people in and out of these vehicles — it is wonderful to know that they can count on improved safely and efficiency, and without worrying about vehicle breakdowns. This is a gift to many special people who receive care and comfort every day from Catholic Charities. The donors may not necessarily see all that is involved, but just imagine having the responsibility for providing thousands of medical visits — the donors to Partner’s in Faith made many vulnerable people comfortable, safe and very happy.”