Lucas Folan, a diocesan seminarian, received a “huge vote of confidence” from Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney and the Church of Paterson on July 2 as he embarks on the next step of his continuing journey discerning and studying to become a diocesan priest. Bishop Sweeney formally accepted Folan, 24, to study for the priesthood during the Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders at a Mass in his home parish of Notre Dame of Mount Carmel in the Cedar Knolls neighborhood of Hanover Township.
On July 18, Folan will fly to Rome, where he will start his second year of theology studies at the Pontifical North American College for the fall. He completed studies in philosophy and pre-theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University in South Orange. With God’s grace, he anticipates being ordained a priest of the diocese in 2026.
“This is a huge vote of confidence from Bishop Sweeney and the Church of Paterson. They are saying, ‘You have the drive. You applied and have done the work so far. It’s all good. We want you to move forward,’ ” Folan said. In an open letter to Notre Dame, he thanked God and everyone who attended the Mass. “Your presence, whether physical, virtual, spiritual or some combination of these, at this important step in my vocation truly added to the glory of the moment. Know of my prayers for you, and please pray for me.”
Bishop Sweeney was the main celebrant and homilist of the Mass, concelebrated by several priests, including Father Paddy O’Donovan, Notre Dame pastor, and Father Alex Nevitt, parochial vicar. In his homily, the bishop said, “From baptism, we are called to live out our call to holiness and a life dedicated to Christ.”
“Maybe today, with Lucas’ [acceptance of candidacy], it’s your first opportunity to have a conversation with Jesus and ask him, ‘What’s life all about?’ It’s about Christ’s commandment: love one another as I have loved you,” Bishop Sweeney said. “We pray for Lucas and his parents.”
Helping Folan discern have been many priests, religious, and laity; the Notre Dame community; and his parents, Ken and Cristina. Cristina is Notre Dame’s director of communications and evangelization. At the end of Mass, Bishop Sweeney surprised the couple with an impromptu renewal of their marriage vows and presentation of an apostolic blessing by Pope Francis — both to recognize their recent 30th wedding anniversary.
“We did our best to fulfill our vocation in parenthood and marriage, but it’s the work of the Holy Spirit touching Lucas’s heart and bringing him to God’s particular plan,” said Cristina Folan, also the mother of Mitchell, 26, and Teresa, 22. “We are deeply grateful for the love, support, and prayer.”
At Notre Dame, Folan has found encouragement from clergy, including Benedictine Father Jude Salus, former pastor; Father Jhon Madrid, former parochial vicar; Father O’Donovan; and Father Nevitt. He also is inspired by Father Daniel O’Mullane, pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Boonton, where he currently serves.
Another source of inspiration was Father Joseph Scolaro, chaplain of the campus ministry of Hofstra University in Long Island at the time Folan was studying music there.
“I would not be in the seminary today had I not encountered the love of God through Eucharistic adoration, regular confession, more frequent attendance at weekday Mass, and devotion to Mary in the rosary,” said Folan.
At the end of the July 2 Mass, Father O’Donovan said on behalf of Notre Dame, “Today, we are overjoyed as Lucas’ journey [studying theology] has begun.”
“Lucas is generous to give of himself to respond to the call he is hearing in his heart,” Father O’Donovan said. “Lucas, we are going to be with you in prayer while you study in Rome.”