Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney presented graduates of the diocesan Certificate in Catholic Evangelization (CCE) Program in Hispanic ministry with their diplomas on July 7 during a Mass of Thanksgiving he celebrated in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. Of the 13 graduates, 10 attended the Mass.
The priests who concelebrated the Spanish-language Mass with Bishop Sweeney included Father Yohan Serrano, chaplain of Hispanic Ministry in Sussex County; Father Duberney Villamizar, pastor of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish in Morristown and diocesan vicar for Hispanic Affairs; Father Paul Manning, diocesan vicar for evangelization; Msgr. Geno Sylva, St. John’s rector and diocesan vicar for special projects; and Father Leonardo Jaramillo, pastor of St. Paul Parish in Clifton, which had a recent CCE graduate.
The Evangelization Center at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison offers CCE in English with Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University in South Orange and for Hispanic ministry with Saint Elizabeth University in the Convent Station neighborhood of Morristown.
Taught over three years, this unique program seeks to transform Catholics into effective evangelists and spiritual leaders, equipping them to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to their homes, parishes, and local communities. Students are automatically enrolled in the Certification in Parish Leadership, which equips students to assist their pastors in building a vibrant parish.