CLIFTON In a letter to the faithful last month, Bishop Serratelli wrote: “Pope Francis has urged us to pray for an increased awareness of the ‘drama of persecuted Christians in our day,’ for religious freedom as an ‘inalienable human right’ and for the ‘end to this unacceptable crime.’ In response to our Holy Father’s urgent request and united with him in concern for all those suffering religious persecution, I am designating August as a diocesan-wide Month of Prayer for Those Suffering Religious Persecution.
“I invite all pastors and religious superiors to promote this intention. The Prayer for Those Suffering Religious Persecution [see page 3] should be prayed together at all Masses (before or after Mass, or after the Post-Communion Prayer and before the Final Blessing and Dismissal).
“In addition, pastors and religious superiors may, if they wish, add any of the following:
1. Petitions for Persecuted Christians in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.
2. Holy Mass using the liturgical texts designated “For Persecuted Christians” found in the Roman Missal on any day other than on a Sunday or Solemnity.
3. A Holy Hour with Scripture Readings, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction for this specific intention.
4. An invitation to undertake some personal acts of prayer, sacrifice and charity for our suffering brothers and sisters.
“It is my hope that our united efforts, in both prayer and action, will strengthen those who suffer persecution and move the hearts of those who oppress them to embrace a life of peace. As St. Peter Eymard once said, ‘Have confidence in prayer. It is the unfailing power which God has given us.’”