Richard A. Sokerka
As Lent begins, so does Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) annual rice bowl initiative, whose theme this Lent is to promote a “culture of encounter.”
Catholics who participate in it during Lent pray, fast, and give alms to CRS in solidarity with each other and with other needy families throughout the world. The encounter theme is found though praying — as we encounter Christ, present in the faces of every member of our human family; through fasting — as we encounter obstacles that prevent us from loving God and neighbor; and through almsgiving — as we encounter our brothers and sisters, asking what we can give up so that others might be raised out of poverty. Indeed, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to participate in Lenten campaigns by Church organizations that “favor the culture of encounter in our one human family.”
The rice bowl program not only helps those in need across the world but also our brothers and sisters in our own neighborhoods since 25 percent of one’s donation goes to food pantries operated by Catholic Charites agencies in the Diocese of Paterson.
It’s an excellent way for Catholics to see their Lenten sacrifices make a difference in the lives of the poor.