Three goals of MCA have remained unchanged since its founding. One is the emphasis MCA places on the need for children to fulfill their baptismal responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus with children in the developing countries.
The second goal encourages children to pray for and offer their own personal sacrifices for children who are in desperate need for basic resources like clean water, food, education and medical care and, above all, the knowledge of the love of God.
These goals are the foundation for the primary purpose of MCA - to help children strengthen their relationship with God through active participation the the missionary work of the Church.
Some children work in groups sponsoring walkathons, dress down days, raffles, or other creative events. Some children make personal sacrifices by sending money that they received for chores or babysitting; others share their allowances or birthday gift money. Contributions should come from the student's own sacrifice of time, talent and treasure. MCA offers mite boxes to students to encourage a spirit of sacrifice, but fundraising component is secondary to catechesis and must always be combined with formation. Fundraising without faith formation doe s little to form life-long missionaries.
Contributions to MCA are allocated to mission dioceses throughout the world according to need. Once each year, national directors of the world's Pontifical Mission Societies meet in Rome to review requests for funding from mission dioceses throughout the world.
This system of allocating funds helps to ensure that aid is distributed fairly and that those who are most desperately in need receive enough support.
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith is the Holy Father's chief missionary arm provide resources for more than 1,150 mission dioceses all over the world. Donors from around our diocese send monetary gifts to support various mission works.
Another means of spiritual and financial support of the Church's home and foreign missions in the MCP or the Missionary Cooperation Plan.
Parents, guardians, pastors, Religious Brothers and Sisters, lay people, especially principals, teachers, CCD Directors and catechists, play a vital role in MCA's mission.
With support from these people, the MCA message can reach the greatest number of children
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