September 10, 2015
The 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal kicks off at Masses this weekend, Sept. 12 and 13, in parishes around the diocese. Pledges to the Appeal will help the Diocese to continue its mission to serve the needy, support seminarians studying for the priesthood, help innercity students and assist retired priests.
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September 10, 2015
The message was to the point. “Protect life.” Those two words from Pope Francis to members of the International Catholic Legislators Network with whom he met last week were applauded moments after the group had presented the Holy Father with a document outlining their commitment to promoting life in their respective nations.
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September 4, 2015
West façade survey on Grand Street commences as scaffolding is completed. Roof and stone masonry repairs continue on the rest of the church.
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September 3, 2015
To begin the new school year, priests, principals and high school presidents came together for Mass at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison Aug. 25. The diocesan Schools Office coordinated the liturgy with Bishop Serratelli as the main celebrant.
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September 3, 2015
On the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, Aug. 22, Sister Diana Yodris made her final profession as a Religious Teacher Filippini at St. Lucy Chapel, Villa Walsh, here, the motherhouse of the Filippinis. Bishop Serratelli, who presided at the final profession, was the principal celebrant of the Mass, with other priests as concelebrants.
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September 3, 2015
Bishop Serratelli made a pastoral visit to St. Thomas of Aquin Parish here Aug. 29 and celebrated the vigil Mass for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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September 3, 2015
Bishop Serratelli made a pastoral visit to St. Philip the Apostle Parish here Aug. 30 where he celebrated Mass for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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September 3, 2015
When St. Jude Media Ministry began in 1995, it started through the radio airwaves with its founder, Father John Catoir, spreading a message of joy. Father Catoir, who is a retired priest of the Paterson Diocese, would speak to callers and answer questions from his thousands of listeners, who were often lonely, desperate and had nowhere else to turn.
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September 3, 2015
Each week, socially minded parishioners place donated food and household items in a simple gray box that stands in the lobby of St. Christopher Church here to help poor clients of the food pantry at Hope House, Dover, an agency of diocesan Catholic Charities. The roughly three-foot-high box displays a color photo of Pope Francis, the inspiration for this year-old outreach, and sports an unadorned design that mirrors the simplicity of the way the pontiff lives his own life.
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September 3, 2015
Michael St. Pierre, president of Morris Catholic High School here, harnesses the “razzle dazzle” of various types of digital media — the power of technology to attract a diverse audience in new and exciting ways — in the service of a simple mission: to connect with people, especially leaders in education, business and the Catholic faith, and encourage, inspire and evangelize them.
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September 3, 2015
As summer unofficially winds down, the newer religious of the diocese took advantage of the pleasant weather Aug. 27 to gather together with Bishop Serratelli for the celebration of Mass, followed by a dialogue and discussion, an outdoor picnic and lawn games at the Quellen Center on the property of the motherhouse of the Sisters of Christian Charity here. The diocesan Office of Consecrated Life coordinated the annual event.
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September 3, 2015
The Holy Father said at one of his weekly Wednesday general audiences recently that work is something sacred, and called out those who abuse it by either contributing to the unemployment crisis, or refusing to work in order to feed off the system. “Work is precisely from the human being. It expresses his dignity of being created in the image of God. Therefore, it is said that work is sacred.”
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